I recently purchased a Dell M6600 that came with a 512GB SSD Samsung PM830. Apparently the OEM version of these drives are not supported by Samsung and it appears to not support firmware updates, or they just are simply not released. I ran a bench mark for performance for a database class I am in and I found a staggering difference between the retail Samsung 830 128GB SSD and the Dell OEM Samsung PM830 SSD both support trim and are sata-3. The difference is mostly just on the 4k random write test.
For the two 830 4k random write results
- 512GB PM830: 8.49MB/s 2,173iops
- 128GB 830: 53.75MB/s 13,761 iops
This is a huge difference. The moral for me is don’t buy the OEM upgrade SSD drive. If you can’t update the firmware on SSD you in for trouble.
For the comparison I used the AS SSD Benchmark 1.6.4237
I compared the two drives and my QNAP TS-669 Pro with 6×1.5TB in raid-6 over iscsi on 1gb ethernet
Did you ever find a solution to “force” update the firmware?
Nope, someone in the forums claimed to have a “firmware” but It looked more like a fake virus to me. I bought a new PM 840 pro a couple weeks ago and moved the old 512gb as a secondary drive. I gave up on that.